Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Where's MY Kid Show Eye Candy?

Some evenings, when Husband is too tired to play tickle monster with the girls, he will watch a cartoon with them (choices: 1,500 from Tivo). What is his choice? 'Let's watch Hi-5, okay girls? The girls say 'yeahhh!' They love this show on Discovery Kids where young twentysomethings performs songs, skits and joke around. Husband likes it because of this little sweetie-pie called 'Jen.' He likes to watch Jen bounce, jiggle, and jump up and down and yell Hi -5! hi-5!
Well, he has his kids show eye candy, WHERE IS MINE? Why is it we housewives don't have some hunky sweaty twentysomething dancing with our kids in the morning and singing ABC's?!!! We deserve it, don't we? When we are running around getting our kids dressed in the morning, yelling and barking commands, don't we deserve to look up at the tv and see Mr. Hunky gyrating with some puppets.?! We do, I tell you, we DO!
The only kiddie male on tv right now that COMES CLOSE is that guy in the Wiggles. I don't even know his name, the guy in the blue shirt. All I'm saying is he COMES CLOSE because there is such slim pickins' here. Out of all of the kid show males, he is the one who comes close to feeling like I'm somewhat of a sexual being. Yes, I guess if there were one Wiggles man I would let wiggle inside me (oops!) I mean BESIDE me, it's the blue shirt guy. How about you all? Any kids show guy I'm missing here?
posted by Mom on the Run @ 9:17 PM |


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