Monday, March 06, 2006

Please Feed Her Oscar Goes To...

The 'Please Feed Her 'Oscar goes to: LISA RINNA: Why is this woman still allowed to walk the red carpet? Her lips are freaky and she needs to start eating at the Cheescake Factory at least once a week. Don't like the skinny freaks on the red carpet. They should have a scale before they step on the red carpet and if you are UNDER 110 lbs then you are escorted inside a limo and driven to an eating disorder clinic. And I don't buy that shit that people are 'just skinny', when we are seeing their bones, that's just sick and they need help.
2nd runner for the 'Please Feed Her' Oscar was HILARY SWANK:she needs to go to Cheescake Factory with Lisa. Chad or no Chad, boxing training or not: PLEASE EAT!
posted by Mom on the Run @ 11:29 AM |


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